Please check which type(s) of incidents occurred:
Heavy Rain (>15 minutes duration) Rate of: Inches per Hour Inches per Qtr-hour Millimeters per Hour Millimeters per Qtr-hour
Heavy Wind (>50 MpH) Windspeed: Miles per Hour Meters per Second Wind Direction: North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Type of Wind Phenomenon: No type Tornado Funnel cloud Waterspout
Hail Size of: Pea Dime Penny Quarter Golfball Bigger
Flooding Type of Flooding Phenomenon: Road Stream Coastal Homes Rate of: Gallons per Minute Liters per Second Flooding Details:
Slide Type of Slide: Land Mud Rock Rate of: Tons per Minute Megagrams per second Slide Details:
Thunder Lightning High Surf (>20 feet) Other (incl Wx Damage) Comments: