flrig_help  2.0.04
FSK Keyer

Open the FSK keyer dialog

with the main dialog menu item "Keyer/FSK keyer".

Config opens:

The DTR/RTS port can be either

  • shared with the CAT port
  • shared with the AUX port
  • shared with the SEP port
  • shared port with CWIO (if separate)
  • a unique serial port configured on this dialog
  • Inverted - enable if interface requires a Mark/Space reversed signal level
  • select either DTR or RTS for the keyline as required by h/w, selection must not conflict with CW keyline

PTT delay is in milliseconds. Enter a non-zero value to enable a delay between the PTT-on and the first FSK keyline closure. The same delay will be applied to the last FSK keyline closure and PTT-off.

Control-left-click opens:

An RY macro with start/stop (ptt enable/disable):


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